Sunday, February 7, 2010

Black Heritage Festival - February 6, 2010

This was one of the cutest little girls I'd ever seen, especially eating her roasted corn, taking huge bites and then trying to take more bites while pieces of the kernels taken in previous bites were still in her mouth... she was soooooo cute so I had to take a quick snap shot of her. Overall, the Black Heritage Festival was really great. Such nice people, really caring about their community and all coming together as a team... the line up of events throughout the day was inspiring and just a joy to watch. Being a vendor set up right in the middle of the lot gave me a great view of the stage from their Preacher's speech to the award shows to the "prayer dancers" to the teenager kids putting together freestyle rhymes, R&B songs, spoken word and the awesome dj who also performed his own thing! Just a really fun event! So glad I was part of it!

1 comment:

  1. Kewl.

    Always wanted to go to SXSW. Need security for your booth? The plasticgraduate is available for hire or consulting.
